Saturday, November 10, 2018

Don’t Trust Typing Tutor Software

You may not agree with me, but it is true to a great extent. Consider the following reasons for it; 
  1. Using a typing tutor software, a user types by looking at the screen. This makes him accustomed to looking at the screen during typing. On contrary, in practical life, one has to type from a page. For such a user, it is difficult to type from a real page. Consequently, he could not reach the desired speed and accuracy.
  2. In case of typing tutor software, the possibility of errors is more than that of typing from a page. I personally make more errors when I type by looking at the screen but feel comfortable with the page.
  3. While typing by looking at the screen, if one makes an error, he tries to correct it immediately by pressing “Backspace” or “Delete” key, which not only affects typing speed but also wastes time.
  4. The typing tutor software includes games for entertaining a user. Yet, these games are designed to improve the typing skills but still, they prove to be helpful in wasting time. In addition to this, before playing games it is required to learn how to play them, which diverge the attention of the user to something else. In the worst case, typing tutor software is used only for games playing.
  5. The User Interface of typing tutor software is often very complicated. A user may face problems by using such typing tutor software. Once, I was teaching a unit on typing tutor software to one of my class and topic was “How to use X Typing Tutor Software”. Here, I call it “X Typing Tutor Software” because I am not going to name it.
  6. Once upon a time. I was teaching to lower grade class. Believe me, although, I tried a few times I failed to start that specific typing tutor. Then I guided my students to another typing tutor software which had an easy interface.
  7. If a typing tutor software corrupts or crashes, the data of the user i.e. progress reports, lesson exercises, and the account will be lost. The user will not have any idea about the lessons he has already taken. He does not really remember from which lesson he has to start. 
  8. It is obvious that good typing tutor software carries a cost. An ordinary user may not be able to purchase a license for such expensive software. Although, there are some freeware and open source typing tutor software available in the market but do not promise all the features.
  9. You must be thinking that I have counted a few disadvantages of typing tutor software by ignoring so many benefits being promised by typing tutor companies. Yes, you are right. There are some advantages of typing tutor software such as Typing lessons & Exercises, Progress Tracking & Report, Accuracy and speed analysis, Games, Typing Test, Multiple Users Accounts, Virtual Keyboard, Custom lessons and so.  Remember, only a few of them are core features and many are optional. 



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